How to Buy

Foliera sells and delivers our beautiful line of plants and containers to Garden Centers and Retail Stores in Eastern Canada and the USA. If you are in our service area, a real, live, friendly, and helpful sales representative will contact you and help you find the products you need!

Foliera sells and delivers our beautiful line of plants and containers to Garden Centers and Retail Stores in Eastern Canada and the USA. If you are in our service area, a real, live, friendly, and helpful sales representative will contact you and help you find the products you need!


If you’re already one of our valued customers, you will receive our availability lists on a regular basis via email. There are several ways to order from Foliera.

These include:

Current OrderEase Customers

Use the online platform OrderEase to view our
catalog and place your order.

Go to OrderEase

Become an OrderEase customer

If you’re not set up on OrderEase yet, please
visit the website to login or sign up:

Sign Up on OrderEase

OR download the free app on your tablet or smartphone.

Availability Form

You can also enter your order using the Excel “Availability Form” which is part of the Weekly Availability or Seasonal Prebook email.

Follow the instructions in the Availability Email regarding order deadlines and delivery dates, then submit completed order forms to


If you are interested in our products and want to know more about becoming a customer, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us using one of the following methods:

Submit A Completed Contact Form

Go to the “Contact” page on this website and
submit a completed contact form.

Contact Page

Send Us An Email

Send an email with your location, business
description, and contact information to

Call Us

You can reach us at

Online Catalogue

You can also view our product
catalog as a guest.

View Catalogue